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  1. The Masters of Disaster
  2. Culture of the Vulture
  3. So What
  4. Speculate Speculate
  5. Rat in a Cage
  6. Divide and Conquer
  7. The Arbiter of Truth
  8. Follow the Money
  9. Ghost Rider
  10. Poison Pill
  11. War Machine
  12. End of the Line
  13. Past Offenses

  14. Fear Factory
  15. Antisocial
  16. I am You
  17. No More Lies
  18. Sick Inside
  19. Guilty as Charged
  20. New Offenses

  21. Upside down World
Court Record
Guilty Parties

Rick Strahl

Andy Andersen

Punk Rock Garage Recorded
between 2022-2024
on Maui, Hawaii
© Anti-Trust, 2022-2024
  all rights reserved

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