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time 4:54 minutes
instigators Music and Lyrics Strahl
suspects Guitar, Bass, Vocals: Strahl
last update Jan 22, 2024

The Masters of Disaster think they're in control
In a world gone mad with hate and vitriol
Politicians dancing to the same old song
They’ve been getting it wrong too long

Promises and lies it’s all a puppet show
Not a fucking clue they just don’t know!
They keep on playing their deadly games
While the world goes up in flames
    The Masters of Disaster
    They’re burning down the world
    The Masters of Disaster
    Working hard to Divide and Conquer
    The Masters of Disaster
    Taking more than what they’re due
    The Masters of Disaster
    More for them and less for you

Selling out our souls to the highest bidder,
Fuck the damage done it just doesn’t matter
Money über alles it’s their battle cry
As long as the profits are soaring high

Working so hard to dumb down the masses
Profiting from all the stupid dumb asses
Ignorance is bliss just pile on the debt 
Harvesting the wealth without regret 

    The Masters of Disaster
    They’re burning down the world
    The Masters of Disaster
    Working hard to Divide and Conquer
    The Masters of Disaster
    Taking more than what they’re due
    The Masters of Disaster
    More for them and less for you

The Masters of disaster think they’re on a roll
They think they have the answers 
                and they’re in control
Unelected powers no one asked them for
Everything they touch is rotten to the core

Selling out their countries to global organizations
Compromising former sovereign nations
Debt as a weapon it’s an easy game
Sold down the river they have no shame
    The Masters of Disaster
    They’re burning down the world
    The Masters of Disaster
    Working hard to Divide and Conquer
    The Masters of Disaster
    Taking more than what they’re due
    The Masters of Disaster
    More for them and less for you

End of song Quotes

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