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Realities of Violence
time 2:53 minutes
instigators Music Strahl, Vox & Lyrics Andersen
suspects Vocals: Andersen, Guitar, Bass, Drums: Kontos, Backups: Strahl & Andersen
last update Jul 04, 2021

Broken glass, Kicking Ass
No one tells him what to do,
Drinking Booze, Born to Lose
Everyone knows he’s no one’s fool
Knife Fights, Neon Lights
The Cops are looking for him tonight…
Alright... Alright

Trust no one, trust no man
All the same, another fucking Scam
Cop Cars, Television Stars
Lock ‘em up behind Bars
Crash Course, Show of Force
Another Wife, another Divorce
No time to standing in Line,
Better not drop the Dime

    Realities – of Violence
    Realities – of Violence
    Reality… Reality

Broken glass, Kicking Ass
No one tells him what to do,
Drinking Booze, Born to Lose
Everyone knows he’s no one’s fool
Knife Fights, Neon Lights
The Cops are looking for him tonight…
Alright... Alright

Knife Fights, Neon Lights
The Cops are looking for him tonight…
Another Beer, No Fear
Live your Life another Year

    Realities – of Violence
    Realities – of Violence
    Reality… Reality

Violence, Violence… Violence