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No More Lies
time 2:15 minutes
instigators Music and Lyrics Strahl
suspects Guitar, Bass, Vocals: Strahl
last update Nov 10, 2022

Dangle the carrot and walk out the stick
Gives you the right to be a fucking prick  
Your hair is on fire every single day
Have you lost your mind today?

    Can’t stand this incredible time 
    Where everyone wants one more fight 
    No more Lies, No more Lies
    No more Lies, No… more… Lies

Lies of omission tell half the truth
Build up the numbers, distract and confuse
Statistics that skew, protecting positions   
A stroke of a pen adjusts the omissions

    Can’t stand this incredible time 
    Where everyone has no more rights
    No more Lies, No more Lies
    No more Lies, No… more… Lies

Fanning the flames, of races and hate 
Nothing you say is up for debate
Numbers that lie just to build consent
It’s a long way down in the final descent

    Can’t stand this incredible time 
    Guilty as charged, on pre-crime
    No more Lies, No more Lies
    No more Lies, No… more… Lies